Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh (R-Yucaipa) has announced her committee assignments for the 2025-26 legislative session:
- Budget & Fiscal Review
- Budget Subcommittee #1 on Education
- Education (Vice Chair)
- Energy, Utilities & Communications (Vice Chair)
- Governmental Organization
- Housing
- Human Services (Vice Chair)
- Joint Legislative Budget
“It’s great to return to the Capitol for a new legislative session, ready to serve the people of California and address the challenges we face,” said Senator Ochoa Bogh. “I’m honored to continue serving as Vice Chair of the Education Committee, ensuring we prioritize students’ success, and eager to bring my perspective to the Energy, Utilities, and Communications as we navigate critical issues for our state.”
Committee Jurisdictions
Budget and Fiscal Review: Breaks the Governor’s proposed budget into broad subject matters (such as Education, Natural Resources or Health and Welfare), and assigns each state agency and department to one of five subcommittees (Education; Resources, Environmental Protection, and Energy; Health and Human Services; State Administration; Public Safety, the Judiciary, Labor, and Transportation). Subcommittee hearings begin in March during which the Legislature has its broadest discussion of budget alternatives and makes most of its changes. State agencies, the Department of Finance, the Legislative Analyst’s Office, and interested citizens or groups appear before subcommittees with their recommendations.
Budget Subcommittee #1 on Education: Details and discusses the Governor’s budget proposal and alternatives relating to education.
Education: Bills relating to education, higher education, and certificated educational personnel.
Energy, Utilities and Communication: Bills relating to utilities, energy companies, alternative energy development and conservation, and communications development and technology.
Governmental Organization: Bills relating to state government organization, horseracing, public gaming, the National Guard, alcoholic beverages, management of public safety emergencies and disaster response, and legislation permitting the use of state-controlled lands.
Housing: Bills relating to housing, including those that affect state housing funding programs for low- and moderate-income families, homelessness, housing elements, and land use approvals for housing developments, housing successor agencies, and the housing obligations of local financing districts, manufactured housing, building codes and standards, and common interest developments.
Human Services: Bills relating to CalWORKs and other welfare programs; CalFresh; child welfare and foster care; services to persons with disabilities, including those provided by regional centers and the state's developmental centers; in-home supportive services (IHSS); aging and long-term care; community care licensing; and, social services and rehabilitative services, in general.
Joint Legislative Budget: The committee shall ascertain facts and make recommendations to the Legislature and to the houses thereof concerning the State Budget, the revenues and expenditures of the State, the organization and functions of the State, its departments, subdivisions and agencies, and such other matters as may be provided for in the Joint Rules of the Senate and Assembly. The committee has a continuing existence and may meet, act and conduct its business at any place within this State, during the sessions of the Legislature or any recess thereof, and in the interim period between sessions.